1. Elusive Dots 10:53
2. April 10:57
3. Up Journey 8:52
4. Painter Of Dreams 9:40
5. Long Ago And Far Away 8:03
6. Seeley Street Song 5:22
7. Chain Of Events 8:33
8. I Loves You Porgy 10:15
Misha Tsiganov (piano)
Miguel Zenon (saxophone)
Alex Sipiagin (trumopet)
Johnathan Blake (drums)
Matt Brewer (bass)
Chris Potter (saxophones)
Hiske Oosterwijk (vocals)
■録音:Recroded on January 6, 2024 at the Samurai Hotel Recording Studio, NYC
在庫有り CD
【CRISS CROSS】CD Misha Tsiganov ミーシャ・ツィガノフ / Painter Of Dreams[CRC 1421]